
Archive 2016

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Saved by Heike Philp
on December 1, 2016 at 11:21:03 am



Here are some of the previous session pages.


Week 1

11-17 Jan 2016


Please scroll down to see the results


First meeting on EduNation on Thu, 14 Jan 2016, 8:30pm GMT (UK time) - 12:30pm SLT (Second Life Time = San Francisco Time)


SLURL (if you have Second Life already installed): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EduNation/106/159/23

Second meeting on EduNation on Sun, 17 Jan 2016, 8:30pm GMT (UK time) - 12:30pm SLT (Second Life Time = San Francisco Time)



1st Session: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p8ddcf1lsx7/  (1h 27min) sound starts after 26min

We played Carol's Advice game and visited two games parks by Wynshel and Barbara

2nd Session: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p2mppzaf4pd/  (1h 23min) 

We learned how to upload images, build board games, games pieces (counters) which everyone can move and a dice


Helena Galani

(a board game with image, sound, Notecard giver, floating text & sound play scripts)




Week 2

18-24 Jan 2016


Moderators: Carol Rainbow, An Nowak and Wynshel Corrigan



Thursday Session http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p87cexnevbb/  (only the first 1h) Carol showed us how to add sound to objects (cats and dogs)

Sunday Session http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p63uc60li24/ (2h) Wynshel tours her games parc on LearnIT Town, Carol asks everyone to build the opinions game and in the end we visited Helena's games parc for more games ideas. 



Experienced users created magnetic poetry boards. Simple building tools will be needed in this case.



Session 2 Sunday 24 January 2016


At the start of the second session participants will go to Shelwyn's Skybox and brainstorm what sorts of things can be made into games.


During this session we will compile a more advanced game called Giving Your Opinion game. All components are ready for users to build the simple parts and put the scripts, sounds and notecards in. 


NB Experienced users can make a maze.

All resources are prepared ready for them.








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