
Week 5

Page history last edited by Helena Galani 8 years ago



Week 5  (Feb 5-11, 2017)


Language Learning Activities, interactive Games, immersive Scenarios

Moderators:  Helena Galani and Dr. Doris Molero



Session  1 - Introduction to the concept of gamification, interactive scenarios, role plays and global simulations for language learning and practice


1. a. Gamification - 


Definition of gamification

Gamification is the process of incorporating game elements into “conventional” learning activities in order to increase engagement and motivation. This is accomplished through elements such as point systems, leaderboards, badges, or other elements related to games. For example, an online discussion forum for a Physics course might be gamified via a badge system: students might be awarded a “Ptolemy” badge after they have made 10 postings, a “Galileo” badge after 20 postings, “Kepler” after 30, “Einstein” after 40, and so on. Students can see the online badges that their peers have earned.


Definition of Game-based learning

Game-based learning, in contrast, is the process of designing learning activities so that game characteristics and game principles inhere within the learning activities themselves. For example, in an Economics course, students might compete in a virtual stock-trading competition; in a Political Science course, students might role-play as they engage in mock negotiations involving a labour dispute.

In short, gamification applies game elements or a game framework to existing learning activities; game-based learning designs learning activities that are intrinsically game-like.


Gamification and game-based learning both promote engagement and sustained motivation in learning, but they do not necessarily result in improved learning outcomes.


Look at this page and select the best definition: http://edulearning2.blogspot.com.ar/2012/10/survey-which-definition-of-gamification.html 


Gamify Task-Based Learning

Task-based language learning (TBLL), also known as task-based language teaching (TBLT) or task-based instruction (TBI) focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help. Assessment is primarily based on task outcome (in other words the appropriate completion of tasks) rather than on accuracy of language forms. This makes TBLL especially popular for developing target language fluency and student confidence.


Check this presentation on Task based learning and its main principles, including a possible lesson plan showing the main characteristics of the approach http://www.slideshare.net/tortadericota/tbl-1


Gamify Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a method of learning and teaching which allows students to focus on how and what they will learn. An unfamiliar problem, situation or task is presented to the students (by the lecturer or tutor) and students are required to determine for themselves how they will go about solving the problem. This usually occurs through small group work and allows students to utilise their prior knowledge in the topic area and identify the gaps in their knowledge as they attempt to solve the problem.


PBL is a student-centred approach to learning that encourages students to be self-directed, interdependent and independent as they attempt to solve the set problem.

The Handbook of Enquiry and Problem-based Learning Irish Case Studies and International Perspectives is a freely available online book of readings which covers all aspects of PBL.



Gamify Project-based Learning

Project-based learning is a teaching approach that engages students in sustained, collaborative real-world investigations. Projects are organized around a driving question, and students participate in a variety of tasks that seek to meaningfully address this question.


Project Based Learning for English Language Learners http://www.elltoolbox.com/pbl.html

project Overview http://www.bie.org/object/document/project_design_overview_and_student_learning_guide 

A collection of tools to use PBL  http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2017/01/project-based-learning-teachers-guide.html

PBL in world language class: tips, strategies, & tools https://calicospanish.com/project-based-learning-in-the-world-language-classroom/





Google doc you can edit with your own ideas and reflections.

The references will give you ground information on how to gamify your exisiting activities. Also check this link (french) and this link (English) to find articles on gamification, TBL and PBL in the field of language learning.


Some more resources:



introduction and brainstorming by Cybere




 Global simulations for language practice: (Cybère) 

(Remember this is a work in progress)  - I will add more scenes with

    • The desert island, The hotel, A detailed crime scene, Slum City, A subway and more!
  • Below is my Slideshare on Global Simulations


b. Interactive & immersive scenarios for ELT in Virtual Worlds:  (Helena Galani)

  • Educational Processes: GoogleDoc
  • Teacher Tasksheets & Organiser:  Spreadsheet
  • Using holodeck scenes: TP to Helena's Platform
  • Language learning activities, interactive games, immersive scenarios in VWs - Slides with References and links (2017)
  • Samples of Holodeck scenes (for General English, ESP, EAP, Literature, History, CLIL, skills integration)  





c. Role Play Games (RPGs) and Emoting in SL (Doris aka Pionia Destiny)

Role-playing and Emoting for Language learning in Virtual worldsSetting Scenarios and Writing Stories.  

People use avatars to socially interact in immersive settings for fun, work, or learning, most people like to play games. One of the most popular real games in Second Life is Roleplaying. More than a game, roleplaying is a great opportunity to meet other people, belong to a community and learn about different cultures and walks of life.  Ralya (2009) point out that Roleplaying affords the chance to meet and interact with all sorts of people in an environment that’s much less judgmental than everyday life can sometimes be. He goes on on saying "I’ve gamed with people in their 60s, and with kids as young as 10 or 12; with handicapped, disabled, and able-bodied gamers; with socially awkward and socially adept people; with skinny people and fat people; with lawyers, doctors, writers, professors, and folks from any other profession you can think of. And we tend to get along just fine, and have fun gaming together — regardless of how different we are as people." Roleplaying can be a great tool to learn a language in an immersive experience. In virtual worlds like Second Life, avatars from all over the world get together to create stories, make friends and have fun.







Session 2 - Final Session - Presentations and Reflections: Your Scenarios, games & activities


Show and Tell: Present your creations:

  • maze
  • game scenario using a holodeck scene
  • scavenger hunt
  • Emoting scenario/starting point using a holodeck scene
  • Global simulation ideas 


Feel free to find props on Second life market place / Open Sim /Kitely for free 




Edajot's maze: Weather Adjectives 





















Nick's 3DLES game Question Tower

Bad Word Detector


Kevin's London Game

Duncan's Squares Tic-tac toe

Heike's Storytelling objects


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