
Week 4

Page history last edited by Heike Philp 8 years ago


Week 4  (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)


Graham Stanley's webinar 29 January, 7pm UK, 3pm MonteVideo, 10am SLT time.

Recording of Graham's presentation: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p6rygi7bae7/




Advanced building and scripting


Moderator: Randall Sadler, Nick Zwart and Hazel Workman


During this intensive building workshop we will learn how to adjust our objects settings for permissions and physics, we will texture and learn to import 3D objects into SL.



How to build a script from scratch by Nick Zwart

(see video of the recording below first 20min)


Nick Zwart explains how to script from scratch using any of the following tools. 





http://inworks.ucdenver.edu/jkb/fs2lsl/release/FS2LSL.html  (a fantastic 'Scratch' style editor for LSL scripting) 


Nick's pdf document with explanations about channels and scriptgenerators. 


Nick does not recommend to use Scratch for Second Life because it tends to generate too many lines of codes which are very difficult to edit (400+ lines of code versus 6 lines using above mentioned editors). 


How to create a HUD by Randall Sadler  (from min 20 onwards)




How to upload Mesh objects to Second Life by Hazel Workman


Click on Build - Upload Mesh Object

Upload *.dae files 

Repositories of Collada *.dae files are

Google 3D warehouse 



Free 3D modellers








Get approved/ certified for mesh object imports at Second Life by providing billing information.



Click on:  'Find out now' in the NOTE: You don't have rights to upload mesh models. Find out how to get certified.



Answer 10 questions of the IP Intellectual Property tutorial. 



Next: Proceed with mesh upload and click on calculate weights & fees and after agreeing to pay 11$ I can now upload the mesh object. You can use ALT and the scroll button to zoom into the object in the properties window so as to see edges etc. 




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